Cosmic Vintage Sun Moon and Stars
Metatron Cube Geometric Symbol

The Soul Aligned Business Method

Discover the exact business strategies ​that are uniquely aligned to you!


Have you been pouring your heart and soul ​into your business, yet feel stuck in the same ​place, as if you just can’t get a break?

You have your own unique entrepreneurial ​energy and what you’ve been trying is likely ​not aligned to it.

It's time to consider a different approach!

Woman working on laptop at home

Why is this method different?

You will go from ​confusion to clarity.

Traditional business coaching often overlooks the role of ​energy and alignment in achieving success. My method ​helps you learn about your Soul’s Unique Blueprint and ​how this translates into your entrepreneurial skills and ​challenges, how your Soul affects your entrepreneurial ​path, and discover which marketing, sales, and business ​systems are most aligned to you.

Leading to tangible results!

It's time to consider a different approach!

You've already tried all the things, and invested too much, yet ​nothing has worked. Do you want to try something that does?

Something that is based on your unique blueprint and not ​what some other coach is telling you to do. For highly ​conscious business owners, your business MUST be aligned to ​your unique blueprint.

Welcome to the Soul Aligned Business Method, designed ​specifically for women like you, caught in the whirlwind of ​trying various coaches and programs, yet not reaping the ​results you deserve.

let this be your business breakthrough!

Ever wish you could have someone just look ​at your business and tell you how to fix it? ​Well, here's your chance to have that!


Cosmic Vintage Sun Moon and Stars
Metatron Cube Geometric Symbol

Hi! I'm Lindsay

I understand what it is like to be running your business ​and feel like nothing is working. We begin to think that ​something is wrong with us, or we are just stuck in a rut.

I have over 25+ years experience in business and ​entrepreneurship, but I always hit this upper limit, getting ​past 5 figures seemed impossible. And when I followed ​the old school advice from my education, of working ​harder, more strategy, I ended up spinning my wheels and ​getting really frustrated (not okay for this Sacral 4/6 ​Generator)

Took learning a different approach to understanding one ​big thing… that changed it all, I wasn't doing anything ​wrong… MY BUSINESS WAS NOT ALIGNED TO ME!

Woman Working on Contemporary Office Desk Flatlay

I have 3 different offers to choose from:

Work with me


2.5-hour call plus Voxer ​support ($1K investment)



Two 1-hour calls plus Voxer ​support ($3K investment)



Six 1-hour calls plus Voxer ​support ($8K investment)​

Let’s chat!

Have questions before you commit?

I understand the time and financial commitment and I ​would never want you to jump in if you are not sure. ​Apply for a FREE Business Soul Alignment Discovery Call ​so we can see if we are a good fit.

connect with me

The income you desire is possible!